Multipurpose Directory theme for Block editor
Extend free Citadela theme with Citadela Directory plugin to build Citadela Listing website. All functionality is made and integrate with built-in WordPress Block Editor. Greatest thing is that Citadela Directory plugin works on any new modern theme.
「鉅記」是澳門三大手信店之一,我愛買它們的長蛋捲和肉乾。數年前還拍了以「鉅記」發跡史為藍本的電視劇,在香港和澳門播映,不知其他地區的朋友有沒有機會看到呢? 鉅記與咀香園同為是澳門三大手信店之一。以多種口味的蛋卷而馳名的鉅記餅家,原是賣花生糖的車仔檔,於九七年才開地舖。比起咀香園,鉅記起步雖遲,但卻發展得更快,短短時間就成為了門市全澳門最多、最豪華、包裝最精美及定價最貴的「四最」手信店。而現在不但澳門,就連在香港尖沙咀、銅鑼灣也可以買到鉅記手信。 鉅記餅家近幾年都是澳門銷售量第一名,而最多人購買的肉鬆鳳凰捲及長蛋捲等等,每次推出新口味,鉅記太子都堅持會自己煎自己試味,曾試足二百多次才滿意味道,平均一天內試幾十多件蛋捲。實在怪不得人氣長期高企。 交通: 由外港碼頭乘搭10號巴士路線於「金碧文娛中心」下車,在亞美打利庇盧大馬路(新馬路)往轉至清平街,在清平街與清平巷交界到鉅記
View moreListing by Category
Custom made WordPress blocks allow you to display items, categories and locations anywhere on your website. Anywhere on any page, even inside blog posts. Just hold on for a second and think of all the possibilities it opens to you.